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Monday, 21 February 2011

Travelling the World

While you read this, I will probably still be at the airport in Chicago. It will be my first visit to the United States, my first visit ever to any non-European country. I am very much looking forward to my time in the States although it will be a time of change for me. Many people say that Germany and America aren't that different. Well, by now, I know this to be wrong. I won't only learn to know a different country, I will also learn to know a different mentality.

So, what character traits does someone need who wants to travel the world? I mean, if even two countries like Germany and America differ greatly in mentality, people who travel to "more foreign" countries like Asian or African countries are in for an even greater culture shock.

Be open-minded.

Other countries may look like a different planet to you. You may well be confused, or even shocked, by how they do things, or by their mentality. However, don't compare them constantly to your home country. They may be different but difference isn't equal to being worse. No one likes to hear that he or she does things worse than others. Try to find out more about the other culture. Of course, that doesn't mean that you mustn't build your own opinion but you should take your time to really understand before you judge.

Be curious.

Other countries and cultures are interesting. Be curious about them instead of looking for things which seem worse than in your country. Look for differences and similarities and broaden your horizon. If you don't understand something, ask questions. People usually will answer your questions about their country and culture as long as your questions are neutral and show curiosity, but no judgement.

Be willing to learn.

Whether it's the laws of a different country, the dos and don'ts of a different culture or society or a foreign language: Show that you are willing to learn something new. Most people will appreciate your effort to learn a few words or sentences in their language even though your language skills don't go much further. They will be much more willing to talk in your language with you if they notice that you are willing but just not able to talk in their native language. The same goes for the dos and don'ts of a culture or society. If you do a grave don't but people see that you are willing to learn from your mistake, they will forgive you much more easily. The only thing you should really be aware of before travelling are different laws which might get you into trouble if you just behave the way you are used to.

If you are prepared to find yourself in a different culture, speak a different language and, sometimes, even literally dive into a completely different world, your travels may well be some of your best experiences ever.

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