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Saturday, 8 October 2011

Word of the Week ... XVII

This week's word is


I'm thinking of it right now while I write my blog post because it is the way I feel. It is a lovely autumn morning, the sun is shining down and a cool breeze keeps the temperatures just low enough to utterly enjoy the day. I came back from a nice morning walk about half an hour ago, grabbed some of the world's best cappuccino on the way, and am now sitting in the dining room, the window in my back open, birds singing and an adorable baby sleeping peacefully on me, her head resting on my chest. Forgotten last night's stress while trying to get some more work done, forgotten the lack of sleep, just living in the moment and thoroughly enjoying it. I feel completely at ease with me and the world right now. And that is what "serenity" means for me: to be at ease, not to worry about anything, just enjoying the moment.

I know that this week's post has a slightly different layout, but I thought this word (and the state of mind associated with it) could be better explained in above paragraph than in just a short example or two.

Enjoy your day, everyone!

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