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Monday, 2 April 2012

A New Language Learning Method

Recently, I read about an interesting language learning method, and I would like to tell you about it.

It consists of four steps:

First Step
Look at an unknown text and highlight everything you already know.

Second Step
Translate all other words with a dictionary, word by word, and write the translations over the original words.

Third Step
Listen to the text while you read the highlighted sections and the translations, but not the unknown foreign words.

Fourth Step
As a last step, you finally read the complete foreign text while listening to it.

To prepare texts for this method, you should copy them. If possible, enlarge the text and leave enough room in between the lines for your translations.

The goal of this method is to take advantage of our brain's natural strengths and capacities by concentrating on one thing at a time. The first step shows us what we already know (or don't know). In step two, we connect spelling and meaning of the unknown words. Step three allows us to learn the pronunciation of unknown words and to connect pronunciation and meaning, whereas step four finally lets us concentrate on connecting spelling and pronunciation.

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