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Wednesday, 2 November 2011

When all Words Fail...

Sometimes, you reach a situation where you are at a loss for words. It may be for good reasons, or bad reasons, but the result is the same: You feel as if no words are powerful enough to express what you feel right now. They would sound awkward or hollow, maybe even make a bad situation worse or spoil a good one. Now, if you still want to express yourself in such a situation, what can you do?

In a bad situation, for example if someone is crying, you may want to comfort the person. If you know each other well, you might just do best by hugging her and offering your shoulder to cry on. If, on the other hand, you don't know each other well enough for a hug, maybe just squeezing her hand or gently touching her arm or shoulder can convey some comfort.

Good situations are usually different. Someone tells you incredibly good news and you can't think of something to say which would express your joy and happiness. Maybe you know this from your own behaviour, but some situations just ask for squealing, jumping around and doing the happy dance. Other situations, like when a good friend tells you good news, you just instinctively hug your friend (or whoever bears the good news; it might be the postman, if the news he brings are good enough). Another common way to convey happiness is a broad smile that lits up your eyes too.

Even without words, we can make people feel better and share happiness. It's easy; all you have to do is to listen to your heart and soul, and you will know what to do.

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