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Monday 10 January 2011

Language Courses: Which Type of Learner are you?

Before you can choose the right language course for you, you have to know how you learn best. Here are some questions for you to find out what type of learner you are:

  1. Do you like being the center of attention?
  2. Do you like figuring out difficult problems on your own?
  3. Do you rather watch TV than read a book?
  4. Do you have problems understanding others when they talk in your second language?

If you have answered questions 1 and 3 with yes, then you seem to be an orally focused learner. If you have answered questions 2 and 4 with yes, then you're probably a learner focused on the written word. Should your positive answers belong to both categories, you are a mixed type.

Oral Focus

Now what does it mean to have an oral focus? Your strengths are listening comprehension and the courage to just talk away even though you know you will most likely make mistakes. You are rather extrovert and like doing group exercises and little role plays when learning a language. You need someone to guide you through language acquisition, someone you can turn to for explanations.

Written Focus

Learners with a focus on the written word tend to be introvert. They are usually well at logical thinking and are able to figure out highly complicated problems if they are interested. If your focus is on the written word, then you don't like role plays very much, and you feel uncomfortable talking in your second language with others because you are afraid of making mistakes.

Of course, there are many people out there who are a mixture of both types. A true written or oral type is rare, yet if you know which one is stronger within you, you can plan your language learning accordingly.

Watch out for Wednesday's post about how to find the right language course for you!


  1. I'm completely written focused. It describes me to a T! That explains a lot of things and how I've gone about learning two other languages. Can't wait for the next posting.

  2. Thanks a lot, GalenaFaolan :)

    I'm written focused too ;)
