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Monday 3 January 2011

Reading - Only a Hobby or More?

Your child is sitting in his room, totally absorbed by the book he's reading, while chaos reigns all around him? He is reading although you told him to tidy up his room? He knows more excuses for reading on than for anything else?

Congratulations! You are blessed with a book-loving child. Nowadays, this becomes ever rarer. Many children love their computers, Xboxes, Nintendos and the like. If you give them a book, they might even look for the switch to turn it on.

You might wonder why I congratulate you if your child forgets his duties while reading. Well, that’s simple. Reading is the most precious gift. A child that loves reading will most probably be more creative than other children. He has a great imagination. He can concentrate for hours on one and the same task. Furthermore, his ability for language, for grammar and spelling, and his vocabulary will increase considerably through reading.

Now, do you still wish your child wouldn’t read that much?

The greater problem is how to wake up the love for books in a child that doesn’t have it naturally. There are so many children nowadays who have never read a single book in their whole life. The best way to get your children to read is so easy: Read to them when they are young. Buy them books with topics that interest them and fit their age. Read a lot yourself. Children tend to copy what their parents do.

And then, when you have a book-loving child, don’t lose patience when he forgets his duties over his books. Just think of all the benefits of reading and get yourself a nice book too.

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